Hi! I’m Melissa.

I am a Personal Development Coach. I Help Aspiring Youth, who struggle with not knowing what they want to do with their life, find clarity in Identity and value within themselves by providing knowledge and strategies to help in finding purpose and pinpoint potential.

Together we can initiate a change of action, gain control of your life’s path, and experience more hope and significance. 

I am looking for teens and young adults ready to initiate a change of direction in their lives and advance to the next level of awareness.

Is this YOU?

Well, look no further.

As a result of reading my blog, or taking the mini-course you will be enlightened, empowered, nourished, and have a positive outlook on your future.

I am sharing this blog with you because, as a teenager growing into adulthood, I struggled to find my place in life. I never understood what I should do with my life or where I wanted to go.

As an adult, I started to see the results of all the poor decisions I made over the years. So, here I am wanting to share what I learned.

Allow my mistakes, struggles, and successful outcomes; be your stepping stones. 

Let this blog be a SAFE HAVEN to get your MIND right on track to insightful things in life, which is YOU.

I will share a blog post once every week on topics that will power up your thinking process and cause you to move into action.

As I flow with my message coming from my heart to YOU (my loyal readers) I hope you will experience a fresh new perspective on life and a sense of who you’re destined to “BE.”


Peace & Love